Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) Area IV
Area IV is made up of the Chartered State Associations of Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas. It is the largest membership Area in the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS).

Legislative advocacy on the national level. Scholarships for National Guard members and their dependents and spouses. Support to the State Associations within Area IV.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to support the Soldiers and Airmen with the Area IV States with information on legislation, benefits, scholarships, and articles that affect our membership and their families.
Our membership is approximately 13,500, the highest membership of any Area in EANGUS.
Latest News & Events
Each State’s Facebook feed will go here
State Delegates / Members
Arkansas Delegate Count
Kansas Delegate Count
Louisiana Delegate Count
Mississippi Delegate Count
Missouri Delegate Count
Oklahoma Delegate Count
Texas Delegate Count
Area IV Leadership
Ashley Brodnax
EANGUS Area IV Chairman
She is actively serving as a Knowledge Operations Manager at the 189th Airlift Wing, Communications Flight at Little Rock Air Force Base. She has been serving for 13 years, and has been in four career fields. Ashley has held the position of District 6 Rep for her state association and chaired the Resolutions committee at the State and Area levels. Her hobby and love of coaching her athletes at Blueprint Fitness and Wellness keeps her busy, but she always finds time to spend with her two amazing grand-babies and her husband Lance.
Marion Logan
EANGUS Area IV Director – Army
Troy Abel
EANGUS Area IV Director – Air
CMSgt Troy Abel is the current At-Large Director for Area IV and the Area Chair. He is actively serving as Superintendent of the 190th Mission Support Group, 190th Air Refueling Wing, Kansas Air National Guard. He lives in Topeka, Kansas with his wife Sara, and their daughter Hannah. Troy has served in multiple roles with the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of Kansas including Area Chair – 190ARW, Legislative Chair, and State President. He is committed to serving the members of Area IV and advocating for all members of the National Guard both active and retired as well as their families and survivors.